Category Archives: Marrakech

Morocco, Marrakech –  last day visit to Majorelle Gardens and I can finally binge obsess about the doors I’ve seen all over Morocco

So we visited the lovely, but sadly overcrowded, Majorelle Gardens on our last day. This was where the late YSL and his partner developed a garden (which they rescued from potential oblivion) and a foundation to help local kids. In summary it is a homage to cactus, blue and yellow and has the best gift shop ever.  Last time I visited about 15 years ago it was much quieter – seems the secret’s out. 

Majorelle Gardens, Marrakech

And now for the doors – I’ve seen so many on our travels and they are symbolic as well as varied, interesting and diverse. So many places we saw in Morocco were behind doors that gave you no clue as to what was behind them – so there was always a “down the rabbit hole” feeling whenever you went through one. As a finale, rather than focussing on what was behind the doors I thought I’d celebrate the doors themselves. Below are some of my favourites from the sublime and complex to the simple yet nonetheless mesmerizing. Enjoy. 

Selection of intricate doors from around the country

Some simple and battered doors – still lovely though

Next stop – cheeky couple of days in Madrid

Morocco, Marrakech – another lovely place to rest our heads- Riad La Sultana and another day to get lost in the largest souk in the country

Marrakech is yet another city full of tiny doors that hide so much from the public eye – whether it is a shop with three floors resembling an Aladdin’s cave or the many riads in the old medina. It is not the done thing to show off what you have – hence the unobtrusive exteriors hiding the sumptuous interiors. It certainly creates an element of surprise. Ours, like most roads, has a large roof deck where breakfast is served gazing over the rooftops  of Marrakech as the muezzin calls people to prayer. 

My Fenec (desert fox) suite at Riad La Sultana

A walk around the four interconnected houses that make up Riad La Sultana

You are never short of a shopping opportunity in the old souk

Morocco, Marrakech  – finally here.

Marrakech looking its best in Spring time. 

The quieter parts of Marrakech including the madrassa and mosque and the jacaranda trees

First visit to the souk – slippers, dyers, locks and lights

Want to find something? Visit the souk. Everything from locks to slippers. 

You can even find many varieties of cacti – including a few fake ones (!) at La Mamounia Gardens. 

Cacti at La Mamounia