Bulgaria – Food special

To me the opportunity to enjoy local food and wine is one of the great pleasures of travelling and I will try anything. So I thought I’d close out Bulgaria with a composite of food eaten (and seen) to give everyone a flavour (excuse the pun) for what to expect if they visit. Below is […]

Bulgaria – Veliko Tărnovo, The Thracian Rose Fields and Varna

For our last few days in Bulgaria we drove from Plovdiv through the Thracian Rose fields. Turns out it was the first day of the annual rose festival held nearby the town of Kazanlak. So the roses were in full bloom and being picked. We stopped by the roadside to watch the pickers and take […]

Bulgaria, Plovdiv – 2019 European City of Culture

Plovdiv is a charming town in central Bulgaria and worth visiting but I think it can be done in two full days. Plovdiv is remarkably the oldest inhabited city in Europe but it is also gently modernising. It consists of an old town with an excellent Roman amphitheater and we were lucky to be able […]

Bulgaria (my 106th country) – a couple of days hanging out in Sofia and a day out to Rila Monastery and Boyana Church

One minute in Tel Aviv and a two and a half hour flight later we arrived in Sofia for the first part of a trip around Bulgaria. First stop had to be the Aleksander Nevsky Cathedral – dramatically situated in the Centre of the city and a hive of activity on this particular Saturday evening […]

2019 – My reflections on another year of traveling – and my fave books and TV series – warning – Bumper Edition!

It seems I was only just writing my reflections on my 2018 travels and once again as the year is drawing to an end and I am back in Seville for the 3rd time in as many years, it is a good time to reflect on the past 12 months (and to plan for the […]

North Macedonia – more in and around Skopje

As Mother Teresa was born here it is no surprise to find a memorial to her plus lots of quotes of hers all around town. Some of her quotes are quite interesting others are not to my taste at all eg. Those that are anti abortion – so I had mixed views. Anyway interesting to […]

Romania – Touring the interior, part 4 – Biertan Citadel, Wine Tasting, Sighisoara and meeting some Gypsies

The first stop was meant to be the walled church and citadel of Biertan BUT turns out if was Sunday and Pentecost so the church just decided not to open! So we could only get to see the central part of the village which was pretty and the outside of the citadel with its three […]

Romania – 6 day interior tour, part 2. The Maramureş Region – wooden monasteries, The Merry Cemetery, The memorial to the victims of communism and more ……

We continued driving through the Maramureş region in NE Romania with more gorgeous scenery at every turn and some awesome haystacks. We visited a private house in Dragomiresti that has been turned into the Museum of the Peasant woman. I should say a “peasant woman” is not the derogatory term we might think as it […]